229: Had a Bad Day…..

Ever had one of those days where the wind just gets knocked out of you and you just need time to recover. It’s not as simple as getting up and rejoining the race. That was Monday.

I felt like I’d been hit by a bus or something and had to get myself back out of the road while other vehicles blocked my way. I’ve spent the last few weeks feeling like I’m not really keeping up with life – I think this mainly started after coming home from holiday and being too shattered from driving to even think about putting things away and doing washing and things like that. The house looked like a bomb hit it until Sunday when I decided that the first two hours of family time would be us all pitching in and doing some chores – and minus a small argument that broke out about something kind of irrelevant to the chores – it worked and we got chores done – the living room was tidy, the kitchen surfaces were clean. The dishwasher was loaded. We got some tea and all collapsed in a heap on the sofa to watch the Closing Ceremony at the Olympics.

If only things were that easy. I went back to work on Monday having had a four day weekend and getting in the swing was kind of hard – then I had my Mid-Year Review and it just seemed to go down the toilet lol. Needless to say I felt rubbish after and I think this led to not wanting to write yesterday at all. I did what was needed after holiday club, ate some tea, washed my hair and got into bed. This could be how this week goes.

But now it’s Thursday and I’m getting there. Two holiday clubs to go and two days at work and a meeting and then it’s the weekend. I think I’m going to claim Saturday for myself. I’ll do chores etc but I think I’ll despatch Our Sidekick to the youth evening at The Fountain and go to the cinema or something and just escape for a bit.

226: Dear Monday

Joining with Megan from Happy Day.

Dear Our Sidekick, we had a bit of a falling out yesterday and I really scared you once again I’m so sorry.

Dear London 2012 Olympics, Yesterday was the closing ceremony. Everyone kept pointing out how it was the end of the Olympics but in a way people kept ignoring the fact that the Paraolympics were to come – that kind of bugged me a bit.

Dear Closing Ceremony, if you’d started an hour earlier I wouldn’t feel as shattered as I do. Part of me had to stay and watch the rest but actually we still missed the end.

Dear On Your Marks Holiday Club, you start today – this week is going to be a bit crazy as I dash from work to Howard Memorial in Cardington – Holiday Club please don’t kick my butt.

Dear Feelings and Energy, I’m not sure what got me but at the end of last week I didn’t blog and I didn’t miss it – how strange is that. Then again I was a bit busy so maybe I didn’t think of it until it was finished. Thursday I helped set up for holiday club, watched three episodes of The Newsroom and went to the Doctors. You’d think I’d be productive around that but it didn’t really happen. Friday was Mum’s party and if I wasn’t at Mum’s setting up I was at home asleep (or crashed in a heap when my head was hurting from the heat) or in the supermarket getting last minute supplies.

Dear JD, Our Sidekick and Skinny Ry, I’m not quite sure what happened and why we started doing it but singing ABC while pretending to be able to dance while stood outside the back of The Fountain on Saturday was awesome!

Dear JD, Hels, and RaeRae, thank you for being on my team for the quiz! Can you believe we won?? That was too cool! Then again I guess it was kind of balanced in our favour when the other teams had one person or two people and we had four. Maybe we should have split into a fourth team or something so that it was balanced out. Oh well all done now!

Dear iPhone, now you are fixed I’ve got a new case for you. I’m also using this app to try and get my weight in hand. I’m fed up of not fitting in my clothes very well and feeling bleurgh because I eat bad. I’ve been watching Hairy Dieters and I think I need to get my butt in gear and cook more at home rather than settling for cheat options.

221: This Week

This week....This should be a good week. Okay so it didn’t start on a good note but I am determined that by the end of the week it will be a good week. It is positive thinking and all that.

So today is my last day of work for this week. Tomorrow I’m helping set up for holiday club and hopefully meeting my friend’s little boy for the first time – rather than by photos on FB. Then on Friday I’m going to be blowing up balloons and decorating the marquee ready for my Mum’s birthday party. It’s going to be awesome!

At some point during all that I should hopefully be getting my iPhone back. Hooray! (Have I told you the story of how it got shattered on Saturday and I nearly cried. I was having a bad morning and it went from bad to worse. Thankfully one of my Mum’s clients is an IT Technician person for his day job and apparently knows his way round an iPhone and can fix the screens, so that fixed the bad day at least a little bit).

I spent Monday night tidying Our Sidekick’s room, his house keys have been abducted by the key fairies again but this time they have gone completely. I have no idea where they are. As a sort of punishment he’s got to hang out with Chris all day at the Fountain rather than go and hang with his friends.

I then watched Hart of Dixie, I’m really loving it, Rachel Bilson is cool but Lemon (Jaime King) is kind of getting on my nerves. I love the whole Southern Belle thing but she’s a bit of a drama queen and is 98% of the time complaining about whatever is happening. Also I think we’re heading towards the end of Season One which means there will be some kind of break or hiatus heading our way. I guess it’s a good thing that Doctor Who is back on in a few weeks (have you seen the trailer? Me and my brother were having a whole discussion about Weeping Angels the other day)

Me and Our Sidekick then hung out and watched 17 Again while he combed his hair – the problem with an afro like his is that it needs combing everyday without fail other wise it bunches together and he begins to look like Marley’s grandkid or something like that. He likes the idea of braids but if he wants them he needs to speak to the social worker and his Mum which seems to be easier said than done.

220: Tuesday Tango

As you can see there is a lot happening in this post today. It’s called Tango Tuesday and I’m joining up with Ashley from After Nine to Five.

The Tuesday Tango is a multiple link-up post for everyone to meet new people and grow your audience. There will be eight link-ups that you can add your link to – Twitter, Facebook, Hello Cotton, Bloglovin, Instagram, Pinterest, Better Blogger Network, and RevolutionizeHer.

All you have to do is follow the host(s) for that week and then add whoever else you’d like to!

Permanent Hosts:

After Nine To Five | From City Corporate to Suburb Mama

This Week’s Rotating Hosts:

Boys Oh Boys | Hannah Says | Mom’s Test Kitchen


Follow the host(s)

Add your links to any/all of the link-ups

Add at least 5 people from the link-ups

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Want to host one of the weeks? Let us know!

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219: Dear Monday

Dear Monday

Dear Monday, you’re here again – at least it’s a short week – 1 day down 2 to go.

Dear Hels, you asked me to organise games for your Baby shower – I hope you enjoyed them. I had meant to take pictures of the baby grows but my phone was broken.

Dear Baby C, I met you for the first time on Saturday and the second time on Sunday, the crown of cutest baby has transferred to you but it might be passed onto Hel’s baby in a few weeks so enjoy it! (Kidding I’m sure you would both be stupidly cute and adorable for a whole bunch of time yet!). I got a proper hug from you on Sunday. I’m not sure you were that happy but when I passed you to O you snuggled up in his arms like you belonged there or something.

Dear Park Run, I think you kicked my butt but I came in just over 51 minutes so that made me like 134th overall although 6th in my age group sounds so much better (althought I was 6th out of 6!). I am still aching now and it’s two days later – then again it probably didn’t help trying to run the 100m yesterday as fast as I could.

Dear Our Sidekick, we ate our tea and watched the athletics on the big screen at the athletics stadium. I was all excited to try and race you on the track so I ran the 100m while you timed me then we swapped over. You were 11 seconds faster than me but you were kind of gutted that it was over 15 seconds. I was still impressed that you could run 100m in 17 seconds!

Dear Chris, it was your birthday yesterday – how does it feel to be 27 years and 1 day?