Dear Blueberry – 38 Weeks

Dear Blueberry, It’s getting a bit cramped round these parts now. I’ve worked out that it I sit a certain way then I’m fine but if I sit another way then I end up all achy as there’s not enough...

Dear Blueberry – 37 Weeks

Dear Blueberry, So somewhere between you and the rest of my body something happened and on Friday you and me spent the afternoon hooked up to various monitors at the hospital. In the end everything was okay and we were...

Dear Blueberry – 36 Weeks

Dear Blueberry, I’m not doing so good at this – you’d think I would be doing better now that I’m on maternity leave. You’re now 36 weeks – which means that you’re due in four weeks. Grandma and Grandpa came...

Dear Blueberry – 35 Weeks

Dear Blueberry, At the weekend, there was all sorts going on. Auntie Rae had her birthday and Daddy and I went to antenatal classes also it was the baby shower. It’s kind of mine but also without you there would...

Dear Blueberry – 33 Weeks

Dear Blueberry, I’ve fallen behind and haven’t written in a while. Last week I had my 32 week check up with the midwife. My bump measured 32cm from the top to the bottom which is just right for the number...