Currently…25th August

Currently… image from rukristin Watching: The West Wing (Season 6 – I finished Season 3 as I wrote the post and somehow have made it through the rest in a week. It means I’ve got just over a season to go....

Currently…18th August

Currently… image from rukristin Watching: The West Wing (Season 3 – clearly I don’t have enough to be doing then again it can play in the background while I do other bits) Thor: The Dark World Dead Poet’s Society Aladdin James...

Dear Jaxon… – Two Weeks Old

Dear Jaxon, You’re now two weeks old – how did that happen? We spent a chunk of last week hanging out with Grandma S, as she was on “Hannah Duty”, she helped me round the house and looked after you...

1000 Things…

Since finding out that we would be welcoming a new member of the family, I’ve kept meaning to have a sort out and deal with some of the clutter that has gravitated it’s way to our bedroom like a black...

Us at 7

On the 13th September 2005, Chris proposed to me, he’d written a treasure hunt and involved a whole heap of our friends including our friend Sheens who lives in Australia!! The last clue was in my Parent’s caravan which when...