Things I Love Thursday

Things I Love Thursday v3

Years ago I had the series “Things I Love Thursday” and along the line it got semi-retired but I’m bringing it back. This is to share videos, articles, random other snippets that I found on the Internet this week (or...

Things I Love Thursday – .v2

With our holiday done and work bits out of the way I’m working on getting back on the blog train. At least in theory, let’s see how this goes. Here is Things I Love Thursday. New Clothes When we were...
Things I Love Thursday

Things I Love Thursday – .v1

Things I Love Thursday isn’t a new series. Also, I’m pretty sure that there may already be a version 1 somewhere in the depths of this blog. However I know if I go looking for that information, I will disappear...

The One With Things I like

Technically it’s called Things I Love Thursday but for this week it has become The One With Things I Like. I had no charge in my MacBook and had got a little addicted to Super Mario Bros on the Wii....