10 Years Ago

I found this the other day but I am now getting round to it having found it again on PaperKitty’s blog here. 1. What was I doing 10 years ago? June 1998, I would have been 12 and in Year 7. I...

It’s The Week Already

Well it’s not quite it’s still Sunday evening but it may as well be the week again – I swear I have no life now lol. I work 9 to 5 Monday to Friday (Is there a cue for a...

Laura’s Birthday…..oh and Graduation

These are my angels. Hannah, Laura and Serena. This week we’ve had both Laura’s Birthday and Graduation. Thursday So the festivities of sorts lol started Thursday Morning with our graduation – photos can be found here. (And if you get...

Bobble Jesus from Kellypuffs

This is Kellypuffs picture. I have her blog delivered to my RSS reader and love reading it – this post was is about two weeks old and I’ve finally got to catching up on reading all the blog posts I...

The handbag I made for my Mummy

This is the handbag I made my mum for her birthday – hope she likes it. UPDATE:  So I wrapped Mum’s handbag at hispeed this morning before her and Dad picked me and Chris up to head for London. She...