048: Fill In The Blanks Friday

Fill In The Blanks You can find the prompts at The Little Things We Do. 1.  The love of my life is God and Chris. 2.   Falling in love is a strange feeling. But it’s a gradual process – I’d...

034: Fill In The Blanks Friday

Joining up with Lauren at The Little Things We Do for today’s post. As Lauren is getting used to being a new mummy, today’s blanks were supplied by Meg of Mr. C & Me. 1. If money wasn’t an issue,...

013: Fill In The Blanks

1.   The last thing I ate was my dinner yesterday – so that was Shepherd’s Pie and vegetables – my Mum rocks! I helped dish up as she was trying to finish a bunch of stuff. My Dad helped me by...

Fill In The Blanks Friday

You can get the prompts here. 1. My favorite thing about this week was/is that my days off between now and Christmas were confirmed which means I’m basically  on 4 day weeks between now and then. 2. Colder weather makes me...