Dear Jaxon…- 14 Weeks

Dear Jaxon, Today you are 14 weeks old. I still can’t believe will I look at you that 14 weeks ago we were in hospital meeting you. You’ve well and truly got the hang of smiling. You smile to nearly...

Dear Jaxon… 13 Weeks/3 Months

Dear Jaxon, As I type this from my phone you’re snoring in your Moses basket (a little quieter now than you were about thirty minutes ago). Normally I write what we got up to this last week but I keep...

Dear Jaxon… – 12 Weeks Old

Dear Jaxon, This week you turned 12 weeks old. In all the craziness that came with our trip to the seaside and Daddy’s Challenge I didn’t manage to write to you. You turned 12 weeks on Wednesday. On Tuesday while...