Dear Jaxon… – 11 Weeks Old

Dear Jaxon, Thursday This actually snuck into last week…..we spent most of the day at home and then in the afternoon we went for a walk around the country park in the sunshine. It was lovely and much better than...

Dear Jaxon… – 10 Weeks Old

Dear Jaxon, This week you hit double figures and what a week it was. On Sunday it was your dedication which was a lot of fun although a little overwhelming all round. I think now that you’re a bit more...

Dear Jaxon… – 9 weeks Old

Dear Jaxon, Yesterday you turned two months old, we moved you up to Size three nappies and well and truly in 3-6 months clothes. Your 3-6 month trousers are still a little baggy but while you’re still sitting still and...

Dear Jaxon… – 8 Weeks Old

Dear Jaxon, Today you are 8 weeks old and today we’re going to get your vaccinations done. That’s as far as I got. When we got home from the doctors you weren’t happy and by the evening you were super...

Mustela Product Review

Although I’ve been a foster Mum for almost three years, the products we need in the house for Our Sidekick are obviously very different to those that we need for Jaxon. We’ve found that for Our Sidekick we have to...