A few years back, I stumbled across Belle’s review posts over on her blog by accident and decided to attempt to revive my own Monthly Review posts. This is August’s monthly review. You can see others here. At the end of each month, I write a monthly review all about what I’ve been up to each month.

Highlights from August
- We started August back in the UK. We went back for my Mum’s birthday as well as catching up with family which was really good.
- Chris celebrated his birthday. We couldn’t quite do all that we wanted to do with us being away so we might have to have a second attempt at a later date (Maybe in September or maybe a half birthday in the New Year? I’ll have to have a think about that one.
- We got back to Copenhagen on the Sunday evening, and on the Monday morning Jaxon went back to school (Schools here in Denmark start back in August rather than September like the UK – as I write this Jaxon has been back at school almost 3 weeks).
- Chris started his new job. He decided to look for a new job back in about June/July sort of time then it all happened that he was leaving his job just before our holiday so he then started his new job that same week that the schools went back.
- I had two job interviews and sent out a stack of applications and “unsolicited applications”. I’ve heard back from some of them but others are just silent – maybe they fell into spam or the ether somewhere lol.
- I’ve been working on updating my YouTube Channel a bit more while I have the time (Also I mentioned it in a job application so figured I should update it a bit more!)
Top Posts Viewed in August
- Five Yarn Stores in Copenhagen to Visit
- Storing and Organising Duvet Sets
- Review: Lightspeed i-Helicopter
- An Adventure… (Moving to Denmark)
- Chocolate Orange Cover – Christmas Pudding
- T-Shirt Folding Hack (BEDIA)
- Nine Yarn Projects for 2022 (Yuletide Blanket)
- Playground Adventures: Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes, IKEA and Intu
- Planner Love: Meadowgate Traveler’s Notebook
- What I’m Reading
Projects Worked on in August
- Stormy Skies Jumper (Pattern by Nicky at Handknits and Hygge)
Books Read in August
- New Beginnings on Sunflower Street by Rachel Griffiths
- A New Arrival in Upper Bamton by Beth Rain
- A Winter Kiss on Rochester Mews by Annie Darling
- Rainy Days in Upper Bamton by Beth Rain
- Wedding Fever at the Cornish Bakery by Sarah Hope
- Finding Love at the Cornish Bakery by Sarah Hope
- Snowflakes and Christmas Cakes on Sunflower Street by Rachel Griffiths
- Falling for Your Best Friend’s Twin (Love Clichés #1) by Emma St. Clair
- Falling for Your Boss (Love Clichés #2) by Emma St. Clair
- Falling for Your Fake Fiancé (Love Clichés #3) by Emma St. Clair
- The Twelve Holidates (Love Clichés #4) by Emma St. Clair
TV/Films Watched (Not full seasons btw!)
- Glow Up (Two seasons in about 3/4 days maybe – oops!)
- The Sandman
- Locke & Key
- Extraordinary Attorney Woo
- Cheaspeake Shores
- Borgen (Tried to do this one with Danish audio and Danish subtitles. Definitely a brain workout and can’t be done while knitting!)
YouTube Watched
This one is a new category – some of the channels post regular videos like 2/3 times a week so rather than linking to specific videos, I’ll link to their main channels and then you can go and take a look from there.
Goals for September
- Clear some of the WIPs – they seem to be multiplying and I need to deal with them rather than casting on something new!
- Keep applying for jobs even though it’s driving me a little crazy!