Hannah's Cozy Home Days

Hannah’s Cozy Home Days: Day Zero

I’d say this was Day One but that’s officially tomorrow. Coronavirus has been heading this way anyway and I guess I hoped that it would somehow skip me and I wouldn’t really have to worry – well I wouldn’t have...
20 Projects in 2020

20 Projects in 2020: Project 3

One of my goals for 2020 is to complete 20 projects. More than likely these will be knitting or crochet but it’s always possible that some sewing will creep in there too. Here’s the latest completed project. (The full 20...
20 Projects in 2020

20 Projects in 2020: Project 1 and 2

One of my goals for 2020 is to complete 20 projects. More than likely these will be knitting or crochet but it’s always possible that some sewing will creep in there too. Here’s the latest completed project. (The full 20...

My 2019 in Music

I opened Spotify a few days ago to put some music on while I was in the car. A new playlist had popped up and it was a recommended one from Spotify that is my top tracks from this year....