Currently…31st August

Each Monday I start with a sum up of what’s currently happening around these parts – especially when some weeks seem to fly by quicker than others! Watching Not a lot. Our internet connection has been cancelled by our ISP...

Currently…24th August (BEDIA)

Each Monday I start with a sum up of what’s currently happening around these parts – especially when some weeks seem to fly by quicker than others! Watching I’ve been watching heaps of YouTube videos for inspiration for my Midori....

Slimming World Sunday #4 (BEDIA)

Hey there! It’s Sunday which means it’s Slimming World Sunday. Following a conversation this week with Stephanie from Raising Emily as well as Debs at SuperBusyMum, we’ve (That’s Stephanie and I) have adopted Slimming World Sunday to keep the link...

Things I’m Grateful For…(BEDIA)

Each Friday I join with Ashley from Hello Nature and Laura from Ginger + Co to share the things I’m grateful for this week. The weather A slightly random think to be grateful for but it’s been nice weather this...

Results Day (BEDIA)

The whole of August has been near enough counting down to today whether it’s been mentioned out loud or not. Today Our Sidekick received his GCSE exams results. Before we went to bed last night, we prayed for Our Sidekick...

Storing and Organising Duvet Sets

Storing and organising duvet sets like this is clearly not a new idea. The two articles I found were dated 2011 and 2012 so there you go! However it’s another revelation to me especially given the muddle I get in while...

Currently…17th August (BEDIA)

Each Monday I start with a sum up of what’s currently happening around these parts – especially when some weeks seem to fly by quicker than others! Watching Our Sidekick has moved on without me so I need to go...

Slimming World Sunday #3 (BEDIA)

Today I’m also joining with Debs and Amy for Slimming World Sunday. (I discovered earlier this week that SWS was stopped but seeing as it was their idea originally I’m going to leave the links on the posts) This week...

T-Shirt Folding Hack (BEDIA)

You know those images you see on Pinterest and then you see someones really bad attempt at it which is usually accompanied by the text “Nailed it!” well this is what I expected it to be. I saw this one...

Dear Jaxon…13 Months

Dear Jaxon… The month since your birthday has flown by and I think that’s because it has been so busy. Following your birthday party, we loaded up the car and went on holiday. The plan had been that we would...

Currently…10th August (BEDIA)

Each Monday I start with a sum up of what’s currently happening around these parts – especially when some weeks seem to fly by quicker than others! Watching Our Sidekick and I started Heroes from the beginning. I didn’t watch...

Slimming World Sunday #2 (BEDIA)

Today I’m also joining with Debs and Amy for Slimming World Sunday. (I discovered earlier this week that SWS was stopped but seeing as it was their idea originally I’m going to leave the links on the posts) This week...

My Wishlist: Midori

I’ve recently been watching lots of YouTube videos about planners and often about Midori Traveler’s Notebooks. They are a similar idea to a Filofax in at you have the basic binder and then you add your inserts or notebooks to...

Things I’m Grateful For…(BEDIA)

Each Friday I join with Ashley from Hello Nature and Laura from Ginger + Co to share the things I’m grateful for this week. Time with Our Sidekick it’s the school holidays at the moment and Our Sidekick has been...

Tuesday (BEDIA)

August 4th Today didn’t go to plan. Jaxon went down for his nap around 10am and had this full two hours and yet did I achieve what I needed to do within that time…nope. That’s why this post isn’t what...

Currently…3rd August (BEDIA)

Each Monday I start with a sum up of what’s currently happening around these parts – especially when some weeks seem to fly by quicker than others! Watching: I had a bit of a blast from the past and so...

Slimming World Sunday #1 (BEDIA)

Two years ago yesterday I started my Slimming World journey. I was fed up of looking like I was pregnant even though I wasn’t. I was fed up of not being able to climb the stairs at work without feeling...

My August Goals (BEDIA)

Today is the first day in BEDIA, that’s Blog Every Day in August and it does what it says on the tin so to speak. I figured I would start the month by sharing my August Goals. I used to...

Currently…20th and 27th July

Each Monday I start with a sum up of what’s currently happening around these parts – especially when some weeks seem to fly by quicker than others! Watching: While we were on holiday, I saved a lot of links to...

Currently…13th July

Each Monday I start with a sum up of what’s currently happening around these parts – especially when some weeks seem to fly by quicker than others! Watching: I’ve been watching more Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries. It’s about 1929 now so...

Currently…6th July

Each Monday I start with a sum up of what’s currently happening around these parts – especially when some weeks seem to fly by quicker than others! Watching: I discovered a show called Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries. It’s an Australian...

LYBS: If I Were President…

Over on Facebook I’m part of a blogging group. On the Wednesdays of each month we have a group prompt that we’re all going to answer. This weeks’ prompt is… If I Were President… Well first of all it would...

Currently…29th June

Each Monday I start with a sum up of what’s currently happening around these parts – especially when some weeks seem to fly by quicker than others! Watching: Feel like I’ve been watching lots of TV which isn’t so good...

Currently…21st June

Each Monday I start with a sum up of what’s currently happening around these parts – especially when some weeks seem to fly by quicker than others! Watching: Chris and I caught up on the latest part of Humans, I’m...

Currently…15th June

Each Monday I start with a sum up of what’s currently happening around these parts – especially when some weeks seem to fly by quicker than others! Watching: I’ve watched all sorts again this week. I watched Episode 2 of...

Currently…8th June

Each Monday I start with a sum up of what’s currently happening around these parts – especially when some weeks seem to fly by quicker than others! Watching: The new series of Pretty Little Liars started this week and although...

Currently…1st June

Each Monday I start with a sum up of what’s currently happening around these parts – especially when some weeks seem to fly by quicker than others! Watching: The lack of internet has affected all sorts mainly running my business...

BEDM2015: Currently…18th May

Each Monday I start with a sum up of what’s currently happening around these parts – especially when some weeks seem to fly by quicker than others! Watching: I’ve been working my way through all sorts of random shows that...