The (Dreaded) Second Sock

The dreaded second sock – it’s like the second sleeve of a jumper, I need to do it to finish the project and yet sometimes it feels like a massive mountain or something! One of those WIPs that I’m trying...

Finish-It February: Part One

We’re almost at the middle of February and I realised that as part of my “Finish My WIPs” goal for this year, it made sense to join in with “Finish-It February”. I’m not sure who it started with – but...

Hello October (2023 Edition)

Well Hello there. Once again plans were made and plans failed but we get back up and try again right?? It’s October first. Between two friends visiting from the UK (not specifically to see us but we were a happy...

Blogtober: Day 2 – All The Plans

Blogtober is a blogging challenge to post every day in October. Well, I say everyday, will that happen? We’ll see! So I’m starting with my goals for the month – and as you might have already seen. Edited from a...
Things I Love Thursday

Things I Love Thursday v3

Years ago I had the series “Things I Love Thursday” and along the line it got semi-retired but I’m bringing it back. This is to share videos, articles, random other snippets that I found on the Internet this week (or...

Monthly Review: August

A few years back, I stumbled across Belle’s review posts over on her blog by accident and decided to attempt to revive my own Monthly Review posts. This is August’s monthly review. You can see others here. At the end of...
An Adventure... (Moving to Denmark)

An Adventure… (Moving to Denmark)

It’s funny how inspiration strikes sometimes. Often at the most random times right? Back in October 2021, 10 days after we moved to Copenhagen, I started a blog post called “A Crazy Plan” and it’s been sat in my drafts...
Stormy Open Back Sweater

Projects: Stormy Open Back Sweater

Four years ago, Handknits and Hygge put out a call for test knitters and I answered that call. The project in question was the Stormy Open Back Sweater. I’d been meaning to try and knit something for myself for a long...
View of Neuschwanstein Castle Five Things To Do in Germany

Five Places to Visit in Germany

What has a suspension railway and a fairytale castle got in common? Well, they are both in Germany. That’s where my list of five places to visit in Germany started. The great thing about being in mainland Europe now is...
Goals for March

Goals For March

Where did February go? We seemed to jump straight from Valentine’s to Fastelavn and that was it February was gone. I don’t know about anyone else but 2022 has taken a little while to get going properly. I have this...

Recently Off The Needles: Joy Cowl

Between making new friends and having a bit more time to crochet and knit, I decided that I’d make some of my Christmas presents. This is the first one. It’s the Joy Cowl by The Pigeon’s Nest. I purchased just...
The Monthly Review: October

The Monthly Review: October

. The Months in Points We moved to another country. If you’ve not been around these parts for long, Chris moved to Denmark this time last year then because of Covid restrctions and other things, Rex and I properly joined...
Christmas Prep: September

Monthly Christmas Prep: September

Over the years, I’ve learnt from my Mum that getting Christmas prep organised earlier leads to less stress overall. That also means you can enjoy the build-up so much more. With this year being different to any other Christmases we’ve...

April 3rd

I have this great idea that I will start writing properly again and I will write for me rather than for the internet like I might have done when I started my first blog back in 2007-ish. Then I get...

Stashless 2021

With being at home, I’ve often ended up falling down rabbit holes of videos on YouTube. Sometimes they are really random and don’t come to anything and then other times they throw up some gems. Last week, I happened to...

Stashless 2021: Finding a Pattern

Well this was interesting. I saw the video from A Crimson Stitchery about going Stashless in 2020. It doesn’t quite mean that they got rid of their stash completely. What it means is that they worked through their stash and...

The Monthly Review: December

Here we go, attempting to make blog posts happen – I can do this! Rex is napping, Jaxon is playing his Switch and it’s a teacher training day today (tomorrow we restart lockdown learning due to COVID etc). So I’ve...

Books Read in 2021

These are the books that I’ve read in 2021. You can see further information and reviews over on Goodreads. The Little Christmas House by Tracy Rees (Hopley Village #2) The Psychology of Time Travel by Kate Mascarenhas Real Men Knit...


Well hello. 2021 you made it. After 2020 you’re expected to behave and not be a (majority) of a screw up (it had it’s highlights but there were a lot of low points too). So, let’s do this thing. I...

Blogmas Day 19

Well, Facebook asks me “What’s on your mind, Hannah?” It took my four attempts to write one status, the first time Facebook had a moment and deleted everything I’d written then the second and third time it didn’t make sense....
Hannah's Cozy Home Days - a series all about my adventures while socially distancing during the Coronavirus Pandemic 2020

Lockdown Projects: Macrame

Back in March, when Lockdown 1.0 was declared, I wrote a list of projects I would attempt to get done. One that was added as the list/lockdown went along was to try Macrame. It’s one of those things we’ve discussed...
Christmas Crafts

Christmas Crafts

I am a huge fan of Christmas. As we don’t celebrate Halloween, I have been known to start with the Christmas movies and music as early as October! I think this is to do with being a musician and Christmas...

My Self-Care in Lockdown 2.0

On the 5th November 2020, England went into a month-long lockdown. In our house as well as many other households, it got nicknamed Lockdown 2.0. (Can you tell we are tech nerds?). So I got thinking about self-care in lockdown...