The (Dreaded) Second Sock

The dreaded second sock – it’s like the second sleeve of a jumper, I need to do it to finish the project and yet sometimes it feels like a massive mountain or something! One of those WIPs that I’m trying...

Finish-It February: Part One

We’re almost at the middle of February and I realised that as part of my “Finish My WIPs” goal for this year, it made sense to join in with “Finish-It February”. I’m not sure who it started with – but...

Blogtober: Day 2 – All The Plans

Blogtober is a blogging challenge to post every day in October. Well, I say everyday, will that happen? We’ll see! So I’m starting with my goals for the month – and as you might have already seen. Edited from a...
Stormy Open Back Sweater

Projects: Stormy Open Back Sweater

Four years ago, Handknits and Hygge put out a call for test knitters and I answered that call. The project in question was the Stormy Open Back Sweater. I’d been meaning to try and knit something for myself for a long...
Goals for March

Goals For March

Where did February go? We seemed to jump straight from Valentine’s to Fastelavn and that was it February was gone. I don’t know about anyone else but 2022 has taken a little while to get going properly. I have this...

Recently Off The Needles: Joy Cowl

Between making new friends and having a bit more time to crochet and knit, I decided that I’d make some of my Christmas presents. This is the first one. It’s the Joy Cowl by The Pigeon’s Nest. I purchased just...

Stashless 2021

With being at home, I’ve often ended up falling down rabbit holes of videos on YouTube. Sometimes they are really random and don’t come to anything and then other times they throw up some gems. Last week, I happened to...

Stashless 2021: Finding a Pattern

Well this was interesting. I saw the video from A Crimson Stitchery about going Stashless in 2020. It doesn’t quite mean that they got rid of their stash completely. What it means is that they worked through their stash and...
Hannah's Cozy Home Days - a series all about my adventures while socially distancing during the Coronavirus Pandemic 2020

Lockdown Projects: Macrame

Back in March, when Lockdown 1.0 was declared, I wrote a list of projects I would attempt to get done. One that was added as the list/lockdown went along was to try Macrame. It’s one of those things we’ve discussed...
20 Projects in 2020

20 Projects in 2020: Project 1 and 2

One of my goals for 2020 is to complete 20 projects. More than likely these will be knitting or crochet but it’s always possible that some sewing will creep in there too. Here’s the latest completed project. (The full 20...

Recently Off The Needles: Baby Kimono

Back in February, my lovely friends, Mel and Daniel announced that they were pregnant and expecting their first baby. They shared their story of infertility and their IVF journey to get to where they are. You can read that here....
Little Makes

Little Makes – February

Little Makes was started by Jemma at Thimble and Twig and Fee at One of Each, I’ve not joined in for a while but thought I’d share the projects that I’ve been working on. A Trio of Baby Blankets Having paused on my...

Happy New Year
Recently Off The Needles

Hello there. So now it’s January 8th and I’m finally sitting down to write a blog post. Leading up to Christmas, I was desperately trying to homemade finish Christmas presents. I had had this great idea that making presents would...

The Monthly Review: July

I stumbled across Belle’s review posts over on her blog by accident and decided to attempt to revive my own Monthly Review posts. This is July’s monthly review. You can see others here. At the end of each month, I write...

Things I Love Thursday – .v2

With our holiday done and work bits out of the way I’m working on getting back on the blog train. At least in theory, let’s see how this goes. Here is Things I Love Thursday. New Clothes When we were...

Monthly Review: March 2018

I stumbled across Belle’s review posts over on her blog by accident and decided to attempt to revive my own Monthly Review posts. This is March’s monthly review. You can see others here. At the end of each month, I write...
Currently - What Have I Been Upto?

Currently… 5th June

This last week has been half term so there’s been no preschool and no church groups. There’s also been a Bank Holiday in the mix too. Here’s Currently for this week… Currently… Watching This week I watched the Grey’s Anatomy...

This Weekend I…28th March

  This Weekend I… On Friday evening, I had the Red Nose Day coverage on while doing various bits. I really wanted to see the Love Actually sequel – it was quite frustrated that, that didn’t come on until nearly...

Little Makes – 22nd January 

I’m excited for Little Makes – this is a new linkie that I came across at the beginning of January. It’s joining with Jemma at Thimble and Twig and Fee at One of Each. Granny Stripe Blanket When I joined in...

Little Makes – 6th January 

I’m excited for Little Makes – this is a new linkie I’ve come across in the last week or so. It’s joining with Jemma at Thimble and Twig and Fee at One of Each. This week I’ve been a busy bumblebee!...
WIPs Wednesday

WIPs Wednesday

On and off since the temperature cooled a bit, I’ve been crocheting and knitting my fingers off. I bought some wool in a closing down sale and decided to knit a project instead of my usual crochet job. Last week, once...

#The100DaysProject: Day Thirty-Five

The beginning of #The100DaysProject didn’t go smoothly. It took three or four attempts to get the first square done in a way that I liked and even then this week I frogged and re-crocheted because I wasn’t happy.  Today I...

#The100DaysProject: Day One

When will I learn that sometimes no is probably the better answer… Yesterday morning a post appeared on a FB group that I’m part of discussing #the100daysproject. My “crochet by FB” buddy Jo tagged me in a comment about doing...

Granny Hexagons

I recently joined a group on Facebook and we we were discussing what to do for a project. I shared that I am working on a project made of hexagons that are made up a bit like a granny square....

40 Acts (Part 2 – Day 5)

Day Five: Quiche? I decided that this year would also be the one when I actively tried to take part in 40acts. I get the emails sent to me each Lent but often for one reason or another I don’t...

Wishlist: A Tote Bag

I love handbags. I used to be worse than I am now – I recently donated like 5 handbags to the local charity shop. Occasionally I get really specific about what I’d like. Currently I’m thinking about a tote bag, I’m...

Currently…13th April

Each Monday I start with a sum up of what’s currently happening around these parts – especially when some weeks seem to fly by quicker than others! Watching: Once Upon A Time – I caught up with the episodes that...

Currently…2nd February

Currently… image from rukristin Watching: Pretty Little Liars (Season 4) Death in Paradise (Series 2) Reading: Mainly articles on the internet rather than books – I really want to get back into reading more books but I don’t seem to...

Currently…5th January

Currently… image from rukristin Watching: University Challenge – I caught up on nearly all the Christmas specials. Reading: Finished You’re The One That I Want by Giovanna Fletcher. Started The Land of Decoration by Grace McCleen. The Land of Decoration...

Currently…29th December

Currently… image from rukristin Watching: Scandal (Season 3 – yes I chain watched a lot last week!) Captain America: The Winter Soldier The Lego Movie Reading: Finished Billy and Me. Started and finished Christmas with Billy and Me. Now starting...

Currently…22nd December

Currently… image from rukristin Watching: Strictly Come Dancing (All finished now. Caroline’s contemporary routine was my favourite. Maybe SCD needs to consider including it as an actual dance like Dancing With The Stars) Scandal (Season 2 – been chain watching....

Currently…1st December

Currently… image from rukristin Watching: Strictly Come Dancing (I guessed who was going this week and got it right). Grey’s Anatomy Home Alone The Newsroom Dancing Cheek to Cheek (BBC documentary – it’s fascinating – there are classes and people...

Currently…2nd November

Currently… image from rukristin Watching: Strictly Come Dancing Forever NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS Grey’s Anatomy Doctor Who (Both new series and old Matt Smith episodes) House University Challenge Criminal Minds Reading: Eleven Doctors, Eleven Stories. Yes I am a Whovian...

Currently…27th October

Currently… image from rukristin Watching: Strictly Come Dancing Forever NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS Grey’s Anatomy Reading: Currently I’m not really reading anything. I finished reading Walking Home on Saturday. It’s an autobiography by Clare Balding and it’s really interesting. I’ve...

In Progress… (Take 2)

Other than pottering round the house and visiting the Midwife I’ve taken up residence at the end of the sofa either blogging, commenting elsewhere, knitting, crocheting on generally trying make progress on any projects I have going. I had to...


Currently… image from rukristin Watching: Doctor Who (started the Matt smith episodes on Tuesday) House of Cards (after Becca posted about it – gave up part way through Episode 1 – think I prefer Aaron Sorkin’s take on “fictional” politics)....

Granny Squares

When I was younger my Mum tried to teach me to crochet and to knit. Neither really stuck to start with then all of a sudden knitting stuck and I could do it. Crochet took a little longer but then...


Currently… image from rukristin Watching: Criminal Minds (Season 9 finale) Doctor Who (onto the David Tennant episodes.) Grey’s Anatomy (Season Finale) Reading: Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis (finished on Friday) Let’s All Be Brave by Annie F. Downs Listening:...

In Progress…

While on maternity leave I’ve been working on various projects. This is the currently in progress project, the “theme” for your Seventh Wedding Anniversary is wool or copper depending on your list version. I didn’t plan far enough ahead and...


Currently… image from rukristin Watching: Criminal Minds (Season 7 and 8) Doctor Who (Starting with the Christopher Eccleston episodes) How I Met Your Mother (Final season) Grey’s Anatomy Could Garcia get any cooler?!?!? Reading: Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis...


Currently… image from rukristin Watching: Criminal Minds (Season 6 and 7) How I Met Your Mother (Final season – how long is the wedding already???) The Big Bang Theory Reading: Mainly blogs and news articles rather than books. I did...


Currently… image from rukristin Watching: Pacific Rim (So not my cup of tea but Our Sidekick wanted to watch it so we did) Criminal Minds (Season 1 and 2) Reading: Knitting Yarns – edited by Ann Hood My friend Hannah’s...


Currently… image from rukristin Watching: GCB The Good Wife (Season 5) Warehouse 13 Castle (Season 6 – OH MY WORD what was with that season finale!!!!!! Oh and Pete from Warehouse 13 makes an appearance too) Reading: Knitting Yarns –...

Crochet Hexagons

Granny squares I can knock up within a few minutes but hexagons seem to take a little bit more tweaking. Having had a bit of a play I decided to share my version that seems to work for me. UK...


Currently… image from rukristin Watching: Fringe (Season 3) Reading: (Not a lot but when I have picked up a book) The Christian Mama’s Guide to Having a Baby by Erin MacPherson. (Very American but still good) Listening: Queen – not...

April 21: Currently…

Currently… image from rukristin Watching: Fringe (Season 1) Rizzoli and Isles (Season 4) Reading: Rizzoli and Isles: The Apprentice by Tess Gerritsen (all finished) Coming Clean: A Memoir by Kimberley Rae Miller (author of and read in less than...


This week it is World Wide Knit in Public Week. In a way we kicked this of with the yarn bombing along the Embankment in Bedford on Saturday – I have a bunch of photos to show off but but...

this weekend i… #twi

Joining with Sar from [Life of Love] and Syndal from Synfully Delicious. this weekend i… started my weekend at my Mum’s doing bits again then went to serve lunch at the residential home as this weekend was mad for other...

the stuff i found here and there

Three times this week I’ve taken the bus, while on the bus I’ve been crocheting or reading various bits and pieces, some have been stored up for a while after being found so hopefully I remember where they are linked...

seventyone: baby blanket – max

If you follow me on Instagram (or other social networks as I tend to take a picture and then spam everyone!) you may have seen pictures pinging up of the Baby Blanket that has been taking over my life since...

347: Lately…..

Since Sunday evening, life didn’t exactly go to plan. My little diary is a bit fit to burst at the moment – and I’m questioning if I need a bigger diary (and I’m convinced that companies who design diaries don’t...

162: Crocheting Away

Anyone notice how this post was just a title for a little while – oops! Anyway here is the post. Why is it you get inspiration at 23:56 when you should be asleep!!! (but are also addicted to crochet so...