290: Today’s Adventures

I’ve been thinking again – I know dangerous. About stuff. Well bits and pieces. You could say the Life, the Universe and Everything. (H2G2 rocks) Then again if I could think about that much then my head would explode. I’m...

286: Fill In The Blanks Friday

  Joining with Lauren from The Little Things We Do 1.  My favourite flower is I don’t have one favourite I think it’s a close draw between Gerberas and Daisies – then again they are both so similar that it might...

284: #WednesdayWonderings

We live in a world where we have a bunch of information at our fingertips – we unlock our phones and Google to our hearts content, but what about all those random questions, why was I looking and what did...

282: Dear Monday

Joining with Megan from Happy Day. Dear Kewey and DanDan, thank you for playing host to me, S, LB and Andy – I had a lovely time. The bacon sandwiches for breakfast were yummy, that spaghetti bolognese was awesome too...

276: Review – September

>  Books Flash and Bones by Kathy Reichs (started in August finished in September) Films The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel Did You Hear About The Morgans? Hope Springs Untouchable Hop Albums Babel by Mumford and Sons Our Version of Events...

269: Romans 8:1

Last week was bad, it started Monday with one message, then by Wednesday it was a splattering of text messages, by Friday I’d left it and was getting on with what I had to do, by Saturday morning I was...

268: Dear Monday

Joining with Megan from Happy Day. Dear Chores, having spent probably about 8 or more hours this weekend doing various forms of you I’d really like some time off to recover. Dear Lemon Curd, for ages I didn’t think I’d...

255: September 11th

(This post is a bit rambly – if you don’t get what I mean to say please let me know rather than just walking away from the whole post). On Thursday, I stood in the bathroom washing my hair and...

254: Dear Monday

Joining with Megan from Happy Day. Dear Legs, clearly I haven’t got the hang of this exercise thing. I spent most of Friday semi-crippled. I kept wandering around my legs were so sore. Dear Zoza, thank you for the epic...

251: Fill In The Blanks Friday

1.  My favourite grade in school was  (in the UK it’s years rather than grades) I think my choice would be Year 11 – I’d be sitting my GCSEs but I’d be able to change my future and pick different...

249: Wednesday aka First Day Back

This morning I woke up at something around 7:30. Completely unlike me but then I heard the computer downstairs boot up. Good Morning World! Then I remembered that it was the first day of school and got excited – well...

245: #24hrGaming Marathon

(My brother and his best friend) I don’t tend to blog on weekends normally as I use that time to get ready for the next week but this weekend is special. My brother and his best friend are doing a...

237: Fill In The Blanks Friday

  (Joining with Lauren from The Little Things We Do) My favorite thing to do on Friday is when I finish work, collect JD from work or from her house and then head over to MK to go to the cinema...

236: Results Day….

10 years ago this week I got my GCSE results. I remember because I was on the way to Soul Survivor with the church youth group, I also remember because my Mum phoned me to tell me my results (The...

235: Fostering: School Supplies

Earlier this week I ordered Our Sidekick’s school uniform – admittedly I probably should have started earlier but I wasn’t in the best of ways last week and I needed help to measure Our Sidekick as it was usually my...

220: Tuesday Tango

As you can see there is a lot happening in this post today. It’s called Tango Tuesday and I’m joining up with Ashley from After Nine to Five. The Tuesday Tango is a multiple link-up post for everyone to meet...

219: Dear Monday

Dear Monday, you’re here again – at least it’s a short week – 1 day down 2 to go. Dear Hels, you asked me to organise games for your Baby shower – I hope you enjoyed them. I had meant...

214: Films

If you hadn’t already guessed I’m a bit of a film nerd. I could quite happily park myself in front of the TV with crisps or popcorn and watch all the LOTR films or the Star Wars film (got to...

209: Bristol 2012 – Day Four

Today’s activity was Our Sidekick’s choice and it had lots of photo opportunities so this might be a bit photo heavy. (Also I’m writing this on my iPhone so the format might be funky!) Our Sidekick requested if we could...

208: Bristol 2012 – Day Three

Once we managed to all get ready (Our Sidekick had a 30 minute shower which threw everyone out of sync!) we headed for Cardiff. We had a rough plan of what we were going to do but once Chris realised...

207: Bristol 2012 – Day Two

When I wrote a day by day breakdown of LE2JOG each post was rushed to fit in before bedtime and all sorts of things, this time I’m trying to post what we did today to go live the following morning....

206: Bristol 2012 – Day One

Having pretty much counted the days down (for 4 weeks!) to our holiday – it finally arrived!! We set off about 9am toward Milton Keynes. Chris has a particular route that he takes when driving to Soul Survivor goes via...

200: I Think We Were on Plan Z

Today didn’t exactly go to plan. It started with Our Sidekick coming in and saying that he still didn’t feel great could he go back to bed rather than going to school. Well I had to be a meany Foster...

199 – Guest Post Today

Today, I’m not here. I am guest posting over at Secondhand Superhero. The lovely Stephanie got married at the weekend and so while she’s on her honeymoon there are a couple of guest posts – I’m first – how exciting!!...

181: Review – May and June

At the end of each month I write a review of the books I’ve read, the films I’ve seen and a quick round up of the month but I realised on Wednesday that I hadn’t done this for May which...

180: 26 Before I’m 27 – Part 2

I’ve completed another goal. At the weekend me and my brother went to Cambridge to see Dave Gorman live. I tweeted about it on Saturday morning – I was really excited and just had to get through the rest of...

164: Family Date Night

When Chris and I did marriage prep and got married – we were always encouraged to make sure we had one evening when it was just us and no-one else. On Sunday we instigated a new “Family Date Night”. I’d...

163: Dear Monday v.14

Dear Monday, I’m sure you’d be a lovely day but between the hours of midnight and 8am I don’t want to see you!!! Today I saw you til about 2:30am and then again around 4ish – I really didn’t want...

160: Fill In The Blank Friday

Lauren from The Little Things We Do prepares the prompts for Fill In The Blanks Friday and it’s had a bit of a makeover and now rather than being 5+ questions on a theme it’s now going to be one...

147: Education – History

Earlier this week me and Our Sidekick when to a Pre-Admission’s appointment at his new school. I don’t remember going to one when I moved up to Upper School but it’s always possible that it did happen. We happened to...

119: Surprise!!!

At the end of last week me and my mum discussed about what I’d like to do for my birthday, well I had work so going out for tea would be good. We didn’t really discuss it but it’s a...

114: Dear Monday

Joining up with Megan from Happy Day Blog. Dear Monday, the sun was shining this morning but by about lunchtime it clouded over and the heavens opened. It’s been raining pretty much for five hours straight now. To my Manager,...

111: Fill In The Blanks Friday

1. Today is a great day because, it’s the dress rehearsal for our performance. 2. Tomorrow I will hopefully remember all my lines in the performance and not forget my dance moves during the two big numbers (that I usually...

098: Review: March

March Books Read Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris (Sookie Stackhouse Book 1) Heat Wave by Richard Castle Interrupted by Rachel Coker The Half-Stitched Amish Quilting Club by Wanda E. Brunstetter Films Watched The Hunger Games Month in Bullets My blog...

096: Life. Edited. Part Two

Back in January I watched a video called Life. Edited. – it was that inspiring I even wrote a blog post about it (You can read it here). Well I thought an update might be needed. I wasn’t very good...

093: Dear Monday

Joining up with Megan from Happy Day Blog. Dear Monday, how did you arrive so soon? I’ve sick for a week and I’m so fed up of it. I need to be better! Thankfully my manager and my colleague have...

088: My Blog’s Birthday

Today my blog turns 5 years old. A day under a month to my 26th Birthday – yes I am probably going to mention it a whole bunch more times between now and then just so that you can’t forget...

086: Passions – Rickie

Five years ago I started blogging – I’d been trying to find somewhere to release my crazy rambles when I found WordPress and got started (I think it was also procrastination from my dissertation while at university). This week marks...

085: New Family Additions

I took this picture earlier but in my crazy crazy ness to try and get other bits done round the house and getting these guys settled (or not so settled when next doors dogs made them jump out of their...

076: #BlogPositivityWeek

On Monday it’s the start of Blog Positivity Week as dreamt up by Ashley from After Nine To Five – you can find more information here. One week dedicated to reminding us all that the blogging community is an awesome thing...

069: Fill in The Blanks Friday

Prompts from Lauren’s Blog Prompts this week are created by Jennifer from Jen Loves Scott (+ Baby!) Here are my answers: 1. My favorite room in my home is the living room because I think it could be the tidiest room...

067: Dear Lydia – A Response

I think that describes the friendships I have made over the last few years – some via Twitter some through the blogs I read on a regular basis. I can’t remember how exactly I started reading Lydia’s blog but somewhere...

064: 1 Year Ago Today……

This gorgeous girlie married her fab hubby. I’m here in the UK but Branden and his friends (I think!) set up a stream on the internet so that his family in the US who couldn’t make the wedding and me...

049: Twice in One Day

This afternoon me and Our Sidekick went to see The Muppets but it was sold out when we got to the cinema (between us walking through the front door past the screen with all the film times and the front...

042: Breakfast Anyone?

So today had an early start and those of you who know me in person know that I don’t particularly like early mornings. You add in cold temperatures and I like them even less! Yes that’s -12 Celsius! That’s 10...

037: Dear Monday

Joining with Megan from The Happy Day Blog. You can see her post here. Dear Monday, I gave in, I got up this morning and went to work – I’d been at work about ten minutes and my colleague commented...

035: Erm

Batten down the hatches – the snow is coming!! Well at 5pm when we went to help set up for my cousin’s 18th Birthday the snowflakes were tiny and just created a light dusting. We’d had the meal that my...

030: Dear Monday

Dear Monday, according to the weather we’re due to get snow this week – I’m not sure if it’s coming but it did sleet this evening – maybe it’s on it’s way, Who knows we might have a dusting in...

028: Food Post

It had been conversation for most of the week about Our Sidekick making dinner one day – he’d made pizza in Food Technology at school as few weeks back and we’d had that and it was so yummy we’d asked...

025: Family Time and Bits

Listening to  Allsorts really, I have an audiobook of Pride and Prejudice so I’ve been listening to that while driving home from work so that I can make time to fit in “reading” it. Watching Lots of TV. It’s not...


So, our family went from two to three recently. Don’t worry you didn’t secretly miss me pop a baby out of thin air (or have a moment like those Mum’s who don’t they are pregnant until they go into labour)....


It’s that time of year again where crazy people like me sign up for NaNoWriMo and write a novel. This is then fourth year that I’ve done it and I’m hoping that it’ll be my second year to actually complete....

Review: October

My Manager at work retired at the end of October (Well kinda yesterday in fact) which means it might be all kinda of crazy soon – if life wasn’t already bonkers. Went to the cinema with Dad which was kinda...

Travel Thursday: No 21

Travel Thursday is an idea a number of us discussed on Twitter and our friend Ian put together the prompts. Travel Thursday: The Most Dangerous Thing You Have Done While Travelling It wasn’t really travelling but it was away from...

Travel Thursday: No 18

Your Favourite Flight or Airline I’ve only been on 2 flights (technically 4 as we had a stopover on the way to Turkey and the way back from Turkey) they were both with the same airline so I guess my favourite would...

Travel Thursday: No 15

Your Favourite City You Have Visited Seriously just one city – that’s going to be a very tough choice. Well Amsterdam, Paris and Barcelona are most definitely somewhere up there in the top ones and if we went back to...

Chris’s LE2JOG Challenge: Day Ten

At the beginning of September, Chris set out on his birthday challenge to cycle from Land’s End in Cornwall to John O’Groats in Scotland (aka LE2JOG). This is my attempt to blog along the route. I came home on Sunday...

Chris’s LE2JOG Challenge: Day Eight

At the beginning of September, Chris set out on his birthday challenge to cycle from Land’s End in Cornwall to John O’Groats in Scotland (aka LE2JOG). This is my attempt to blog along the route. So it’s Saturday. This time...

Chris’s LE2JOG Challenge: Day Seven

At the beginning of September, Chris set out on his birthday challenge to cycle from Land’s End in Cornwall to John O’Groats in Scotland (aka LE2JOG). This is my attempt to blog along the route. It’s Friday today which means...

Travel Thursday: No 14

The place you’ve visited that had the friendliest people I think it would have be Amsterdam, I had a phrase book and kept trying to speak Dutch but a lot of the people I met were too excited to practice...
Travel Thursday

Travel Thursday: No 13

The most unusual place you’ve spent a night while travelling I went camping up in Scotland just outside Inverurie and I napped in the back seat of my Fiat Seicento. For most of the night, we stayed in the house...

Travel Thursday: No 12

Your most frightening travel experience Turkey again – one night there was a power cut – which probably would have been fine with but I was in a foreign country, sharing a room with my cousin (who at the time...

Travel Thursday: No 11

Your saddest/most upsetting travel experience I don’t think I have one – I guess being injured on holiday was quite upsetting but that was like an hour in tears and then move onto the next thing. I guess Turkey might...

Travel Thursday: No 10

A travel experience involving illness or injury Growing up I was a bit accident prone. One year we went camping near Dover – we’d been to visit a castle (Castle trips were like a staple of our holidays!) I was...

Travel Thursday: No 9

The Best Business Trip You Have Been On Short post today. I’ve actually not been on that many – I’ve been on three for the company that I currently work for – two were in Bedford (or surrounding area). The...

Travel Thursday: No 8

Your Funniest Travel Experience Anything with a youth group I think lol. In 2002 I went to Festival Manchester with the youth group I was part of, on the first day one of the lads in the tent next door...

Travel Thursday: No 7

Your Most Emotional Travel Experience Today is a short post – partly because I’m writing it at about 00:30 on Friday morning (Rather than Thursday) but also because to me it’s in the past. My most emotional travel experience was Barcelona....

Travel Thursday: No 6

Your Most Enjoyable Journey This is a hard one – there’s Turkey because it was the first time I went on a plan, Amsterdam because of the epic train trip right through the Dutch countryside or Corcieux/Strasbourg because between me and...

Happy Father’s Day

Today is Father’s Day. This is me and my Dad at my Aunt’s wedding a few years ago – I think I get my brains and my craziness from him (my crafty side comes from my Mum I think!) Happy...

{This Week}

I have so much to write about but I’m not sure I can remember all the bits I want to include. Bullet Points are the way forward for now. Starting with a negative. Earlier this week I was reading Web...

Travel Thursday: No 4

The worst hotel/accommodation you have stayed in The worst accommodation that I’ve stayed in would be the B+B near Earls Court that me and Chris stayed in, it was called the Hotel Olympia. We’d gone to London for a few...

Travel Thursday: No 3

Travel Thursday is an idea a number of us discussed on Twitter and our friend Ian put together the prompts. You can find the prompts and join in by taking a look at Ian’s blog. Travel Thursday: The best hotel/accommodation...

Travel Thursday: No 2

Travel Thursday is an idea a number of us discussed on Twitter and our friend Ian put together the prompts. You can find the prompts and join in by taking a look at Ian’s blog. Travel Thursday: The worst/most disappointing...

Church – Part Two

So I got to church, which was okay but I sat on the front row next to Mrs Mow Mow as soon as I saw her I just started to cry! Princess Nat was there as well and she came...


Yesterday evening, my Grandma passed away. She’d been unconscious and on oxygen for most of the day – from what my Dad said she wasn’t in any pain. Thank you to everyone who has been posting comments today and yesterday...

Do I Know my Neighbours?

I found this article thanks to of Gray Cee at The Parenting Diaries and I got inspired to write this post. Do I know my neighbours? Could I call on my neighbours if I needed help with something? I can still...