Friday… (And a trip to hospital)

Hello there. How’s your day going? Mine started fairly lazy. Chris and I went for lunch instead of our normal day off breakfast date. We ended up at one the local restaurants that we usually frequent. I had my salad...

Dear Blueberry – 36 Weeks

Dear Blueberry, I’m not doing so good at this – you’d think I would be doing better now that I’m on maternity leave. You’re now 36 weeks – which means that you’re due in four weeks. Grandma and Grandpa came...

Dear Blueberry – 35 Weeks

Dear Blueberry, At the weekend, there was all sorts going on. Auntie Rae had her birthday and Daddy and I went to antenatal classes also it was the baby shower. It’s kind of mine but also without you there would...


Currently… image from rukristin Watching: GCB The Good Wife (Season 5) Warehouse 13 Castle (Season 6 – OH MY WORD what was with that season finale!!!!!! Oh and Pete from Warehouse 13 makes an appearance too) Reading: Knitting Yarns –...

1000 Things…

Since finding out that we would be welcoming a new member of the family, I’ve kept meaning to have a sort out and deal with some of the clutter that has gravitated it’s way to our bedroom like a black...

Dear Blueberry – 33 Weeks

Dear Blueberry, I’ve fallen behind and haven’t written in a while. Last week I had my 32 week check up with the midwife. My bump measured 32cm from the top to the bottom which is just right for the number...

Us at 7

On the 13th September 2005, Chris proposed to me, he’d written a treasure hunt and involved a whole heap of our friends including our friend Sheens who lives in Australia!! The last clue was in my Parent’s caravan which when...

Here We Go On A New Adventure

I started this post the other day. I keep starting it and then going away and then coming back to it and changing it all. Yesterday I went to my 32 week appointment and all was good. I was chatting to...

April 29: My Birthday Weekend

As I wrote on Thursday, my birthday weekend kicked off with going to the theatre to see The Pantaloon’s touring production of Sherlock Holmes. FridayOn Friday Chris surprised me by collecting me from work. I left via the pedestrian gate...

April 22: Chocolate Tea Party

My lovely friend Lucy hosted a chocolate tea party to raise money for The Sick Children’s Trust. Having spent a chunk of the day working on the nursery I was ready for a chill out with friends. At one point...

#Ironbridge2014: Day 6 (April 18th)

Original image found here.By this morning I was seriously tired. My body was pretending to cooperate but my mood was short and I wasn’t happy. The boys were getting on my nerves and I just wanted to go home. Chris...

#Ironbridge2014: Day 5 (April 17th)

Original image found here.Today wasn’t around Ironbridge or the local area. We went on a trip to Birmingham. Our Sidekick has an interest in fashion and shopping so we had a day trip to The Bullring at Birmingham. I’ve been...

#Ironbridge2014: Day 4 (April 16th)

Original image found here.Today started with a whole debate over whether or not it was time to get up. I could have probably slept for longer but the elephants wearing boots were awake and stampeding along the corridor so getting...

April 16: Dear Blueberry – 29 Weeks

Dear Blueberry, This week you’re on sort of our first holiday. With you arriving between half term and the Summer holiday we decided that we’d take our family holiday now at Easter instead and then Daddy and Our Sidekick would...

#Ironbridge2014: Day 2 (April 14th)

Original image found here.First thing this morning we headed to Telford town centre to find the local supermarket – it was a little challenging as Google Maps directed us to the old store and we needed the relocated one. It...

#Ironbridge2014: Day 1 (April 13th)

Original image found here.As normal we started Sunday with church. It was a special day as there was a guest speaker called Chris and a lunch for the associate pastor and his wife as he’s retiring. We left part way...

AtoZ Challenge: G is for…God

G is for….God My Grandma is one of my biggest role models. Through her whole life she’s trusted God that he’d provide and that he has a plan for her. On Tuesday I saw her at the coffee morning at...

AtoZ Challenge: F is for…Films

F is for….FilmsThis weekend was a unexpected mass film weekend. On Sunday evening, Chris and I went to see Noah at the cinema then this evening we went to see Divergent. As you may have heard, Noah has had it’s...

AtoZ Challenge: D is for…Dreams

Today’s letter for the AtoZ Challenge is…D D is for….Dreams On one of my pin boards on Pinterest there is this photo…(unfortunately there isn’t a source link on it, if someone knows where it is from please let me know...

March 17: Currently….

Currently… image from rukristin Watching: The Good Wife (Season 2) Grey’s Anatomy (Season 10) The Lucky One Reading: Not a lot! Mainly Pinterest and Blogs Listening: Worship music – as I write this I’m listening to Redemption Songs by Kate...

March 13: Sleep Would Be Good…

In that way that those posts appear on Facebook like “10 Things to do while on a conference call” (if they can’t see you, crochet or knit!!) or “10 Things to do in your lunch break” (well other than eat...

March 1: March Goals

So the goals I set for February and how they went were: Finish the Tetris Blanket for Chris (aiming for Valentine’s but we’ll see if that happens!) I managed to finish the Tetris Blanket for Chris at about 11:30pm on...

February 16: A Ride on a Train

The week and the weekend didn’t exactly go to plan but that is another story maybe in the future sometime. Anyway, so on Sunday, Chris and I decided that we would miss church for the morning and go off an...

January 14 – Outgoing Mail

With the new holiday year and the new rota starting at work I ended up with a four day weekend. This did mean that apart from Sunday and yesterday I spent most of the mornings in bed – I figured...

January 1 – Road Trip (of sorts)

Each Christmas we end up doing various catch ups, spend some time with my parents, see Chris’s Parents and see my Grandparents. As well as these we go to visit Chris’s Auntie and her housemate/lodger (she’s like a second auntie...

December 28 – What Am I Doing??

I don’t know the actual source of this picture so I can’t tag it and give if the reference and all that sort of thing but having just googled Tetris Blankets there are like thousands of different incarnations out there...

Monday, why did you misbehave?

Two years ish ago, Our Sidekick and us adopted two Guinea pigs called Samuel and Owen. They were sort of rescued when a friend of ours could no longer look after them. I think they’ve been a bit spoilt over...

NaBloPoMo: November 15

Today it’s Friday and it’s a bit of a crazy day. By the time I got in from WI last night via the supermarket and then had some food it was heading towards 11pm. I then woke up around 2:30am...

NaBloPoMo: November 12

This Weekend I… got to go to the fireworks display over at Kimbolton School. Originally my friend from work was coming with the boys and I but unfortunately she was poorly so couldn’t come (boo!!) I did get a bit camera...

this week…

On about Tuesday of last week I realised that I hadn’t really been blogging. I seem to have either ran out of time or the idea of sitting down and writing something has driven me up the wall. I have...

our BIG adventure 2013: Day 7

We started the day by heading to Manchester, Our Sidekick wasn’t aware of where we were actually going. We realised we were early so we went for a potter around the Trafford Centre (They have free parking! Why don’t we...

our BIG adventure 2013: Day 6

In the summer of 2013, our BIG adventure as a family was to Blackpool and the surrounding area. Here’s the story of our travels… Today started with an early morning wake up call. At 3:30am Chris woke me up to...

our BIG adventure 2013: Day 4

In the summer of 2013, our BIG adventure as a family was to Blackpool and the surrounding area. Here’s the story of our travels… On Monday we went to Liverpool, Chris asked me where we were going so I said...
Our Big Adventure 2013

our BIG adventure 2013: Day 3

This morning started with a similar amount of laziness. Chris and I grabbed showers before we headed out for the day. I drove us to Blackpool. We parked the car near the dunes outside of St Annes. Our Sidekick loved...


Often when I pose questions about friendship or write about it, it can sometimes be quite negative which can be kind of mean. Now that Holiday Club has finished and I’ve got chance to get some thoughts down I thought...

100 things that make me happy…

This Morning I woke to a tagged post on Facebook from Lucy from Mrs Bishop’s Bakes and Banter.  Over on her blog she posted a list of 100 things that make her happy. So I’ve joined in and written my...

Friday Questions #9

I really mean it this time! I will get my butt in gear when it comes to posting these questions on a regular basis. If you join in leave your link in a comment or send me a tweet –...

getting healthy pt 1

Those of you who know me in person know that exercise isn’t one of my favourite activities. I think in the past the most exercise I’ve done has been to pick up the remote and start the next episode of...

this weekend i… #TWI

Joining with Sar from [Life of Love] and Syndal from Synfully Delicious. This Weekend I… well on Friday when I finished work, Our Sidekick and I went on a road trip to MK, the idea being that I’d missed most...

the dam busters

On Monday, here in the UK it was a Bank Holiday and although I didn’t really have time to stop and watch a film I did think about when I was younger. Growing up, Bank Holidays would involve watching a...

friday questions #8

I’m going to do my best to get Friday Questions going again on a regular basis. If you join in leave your link in a comment or send me a tweet – I’m @girltaristhan on Twitter. 1. What book are...

the stuff i found here and there

Three times this week I’ve taken the bus, while on the bus I’ve been crocheting or reading various bits and pieces, some have been stored up for a while after being found so hopefully I remember where they are linked...


4KCBWDAY4: Colour Review 4KCBWDAY4 Colour ReviewWhat are your favourite colours for knitted or crocheted projects. Have a think about what colours you seem to favour when yarn shopping and crafting. Only after writing this part of your post should you...


4KCBWDAY3: Infographic – the “average” knitter or crocheter There are many ways of conveying information on a blog; text and images being the two most widely used. Many infographics combine both these elements to provide a visual way of presenting...


4KCBWDAY2: A Mascot Project. Your task today is to either think of or research a project that embodies that house/animal. It could be a knitting or crochet pattern – either of the animal itself or something that makes you think...


Technically Day 1 was Monday (I’m catching up and so today and tomorrow might be a bit spammy on your feed. Sorry!) So what is 4KCBW all about – well that bit stands for the 4th Knitting and Crochet Blog...

books: kept by elle field

A while back I made friends with someone called @ellefie on Twitter. We’d chat about anything and everything – usually books as we’re both massive book worms (just look at our Goodreads pages for that!!) One of the conversations we...

am i a mummy blogger?

  I’m throwing this question out there, then again in a way I might be just stepping up onto my soap box. I promise I won’t be up here long. So I don’t have a pregnancy story or a birth...

seventy: this weekend i…

Joining with Sar from [Life of Love] and Syndal from Synfully Delicious. This Weekend I… spent Saturday afternoon with my Mum – pretty much unplanned. I’ve been working on a blanket and needed Mum’s help as its not a regular...

sixtynine: mother’s day

Today is Mother’s Day here in the UK (why is it on a different day in the US for example?). A friend of mine is celebrating her first Mother’s Day and she’s super excited about it. I sorted presents and...

sixtythree: this weekend i…

Joining with Sar from [Life of Love] and Syndal from Synfully Delicious. This Weekend I… grabbed lunch with my friend B. We met at Jaffa and chatted about kids work and how life is in general. There were two kids...

fortynine: this weekend i…. #twi

Joining with Sar from [Life of Love] and Syndal from Synfully Delicious. This Weekend I… hung out with some friends, Our Sidekick and my friend’s husband played lots of Minecraft on the xBox while we watched movies and did crochet...

fortyfour: pancake day

At the end of last week I wrote a huge to do list – I think in total it had about 50 things on it – mainly to do with writing blog posts and getting them scheduled in the right...

forty: sconeroses and crochet

On Thursday, it was time for my first proper WI meeting. I gave @kingfamily a lift as her house is kinda on my way and it seemed silly driving two cars to get there when we could share. We had...

thirtyeight: valentine giveaway

Almost twenty blogger’s joined forces for a HUGE Valentine’s Day themed giveaway to celebrate the month of love! Not only can you win tons of goodies for you, your loved ones, AND even your blog – but you can also...

thirtyone: burns night

This picture was snapped standing in the hallway at my friend’s house. I had my phone in my hands with my arms over my head – I’m surprised that no one saw me! Our friend The Murf is Scottish and...

twentythree: found here and there

I spent yesterday evening catching up on reading lots of blogs and sending out comments to various other people. So I’m here to share some links…. Melinda of Miss Geeky wrote about the preconceptions and the prejudice that surrounds being...

eighteen: my friday

Today was one of those days that I was so grateful for those around me. I had a horrible day yesterday and was just emotionally shattered this morning. Going to work was one of those “do I have to?” moments...

sixteen: french homework

I’m 26 now. 10 years ago I had sat my GCSEs and had given up my first part time job partially because it was boring as but also because I was spending all day Saturday at work and not doing...

fifteen: a jar for ideas

In the first chapter of The Happiness Project, Gretchen Rubin talks about having more sleep and in turn it makes you happier. I was determined to try it out. I couldn’t start it straight away as it was already after...

eleven: youth group

I haven’t been to a youth group in a while unless it’s to collect Our Sidekick from church and even then I don’t really hang around for long (mainly so I’m not like an embarrassing parent lol). A few weeks...

seven: podcasts

Two days last week I went for a walk in my lunch breaks, mainly to and from the supermarket but it kept me out of trouble and got me away from my computer for a little while. Also I walked...

five: one whole year

Click for source Each time I set a goal to do something everyday for a year I either forget or get distracted. Well this time I’m determined and I have Melly to check up on me (like I’m going to...

four: christmas summary

In my brain world/consciousness there are certain events that have to happen for me to feel like Christmas really is round the corner. Growing up it used to be when Mum started playing a specific album (which I downloaded last year when...

366: Happy New Year!!

Click image for source. Hello one and all. So as I write this I’m sat in my friend’s dining room discussing the music choice with some other friends. Wishing you all a Happy New Year!! Have a great night whatever...

341: A Journey of Faith: Part Five

Catch the other parts here: Intro, Part One, Part Two, Part Three and Part Four. Like all students my age, August brought with it the results that would affect the next few years of my life, would I drag my A Level results...

335: Fill In The Blanks Friday

Joining with Lauren from The Little Things We Do. 1.  “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is…”– singing Christmas songs at the top of my lungs in the car, wishing customers Happy Christmas – it kinda depends on if...

324: A Journey of Faith: Part Four

You might want to start with the Intro, Part One, Part Two and Part Three first. The bullying was always part of my life for most of upper school, either because of what had happened previously or because of me...

307: Fill In The Blanks Friday

1. Something I swore I’d never do, but have ended up doing anyway is I genuinely have no idea, I’m sure Chris could probably list a bunch of things! 2. Something I’ve always wanted to do is seriously erm this...

299: A Journey of Faith: Where?

At CNMAC12 I went to the final seminar of the day – it was a bit of a challenge to decide which seminar I wanted to go to but I ended up at James‘s “Participant Driven Session”, yep that was...

297: #JellyandBean

In that serendipitous way that you can “meet” people on Twitter now, two of my friends (one I’ve met in person, one I haven’t) have ventured into the world of Podcasts. This is still something I’m yet to try but...

292: Fill In The Blanks Friday

Joining with Lauren from The Little Things We Do 1. One thing I plan on doing to relax this weekend is erm I have no idea! I’m in London tomorrow at CNMAC12, got lunch with a friend then a possible pub...