Family Tree

Family Tree: Part One

I love watching Who Do You Think You Are and seeing how the celebrities trace their family trees. Also, the things that they discover along the way. But I always notice how they often say how they don’t know enough...

Music Monday v1

Music Monday is about sharing the music I’ve been listening to this week, I’ll try and be original and do different songs each week but if one or two get stuck they might get shared across multiple Music Monday posts....
Things I Love Thursday

Things I Love Thursday – .v1

Things I Love Thursday isn’t a new series. Also, I’m pretty sure that there may already be a version 1 somewhere in the depths of this blog. However I know if I go looking for that information, I will disappear...

Monthly Review: February 2018

I stumbled across Belle’s review posts over on her blog by accident and decided to attempt to revive my own Monthly Review posts. This is February’s monthly review. You can see others here. At the end of each month, I write...

4th March

March is here and February came and went with a whole variety of emotions. There was anxiousness around some relationships, excitement around the forecast of snow followed by irritation that it was *still* here. Although it fell all over that...

Our Glamping Adventures – Day Six

Back in September (ish!), I asked Chris to look at accommodation overnight when we were in Norfolk for Becca‘s Wedding. Chris came up with the idea that we’d go glamping in Norfolk. This time it would be in a yurt...
Monthly Review: January 2018

Monthly Review: January 2018

I stumbled across Belle’s review posts over on her blog by accident and decided to attempt to revive my own Monthly Review posts. This is January’s monthly review. You can see others here. At the end of each month, I write...
Glamping in November - Our Week in Norfolk

Our Glamping Adventure – Day Two

Back in September (ish!), I asked Chris to look at accommodation overnight when we were in Norfolk for Becca‘s Wedding. Chris came up with the idea that we’d go glamping in Norfolk. This time it would be in a yurt...

Our Year in Review 2017

Having got back into monthly reviews during the second half of 2017, I decided to get on with a Year in Review. I’ve started the same post 3 or 4 times so determined that it will be finished before the...
Glamping in November - Our Week in Norfolk

Our Glamping Adventure – Day One

Back in September (ish!), I asked Chris to look at accommodation overnight when we were in Norfolk for Becca‘s Wedding. Chris came up with the idea that we’d go glamping in Norfolk. This time it would be in a yurt...

Happy Three and a Half Birthday Jaxon!

Dear Not So Little One aka Jaxon aka Blueberry, Three and a half years ago, you decided to enter the world. You were late and kept messing about but eventually with some encouragement you arrived (birth story). When you turned...
Review: December

Monthly Review: December 2017

I stumbled across Belle’s review posts over on her blog by accident and decided to attempt to revive my own Monthly Review posts. This is December’s monthly review. You can see others here. At the end of each month, I write...

Books Read in 2018

These are the books that I’ve read in 2018. You can see further information and reviews over on Goodreads. Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman Cold Feet, Hot Summer by Emma St. Clair Year of Yes: How to...


When it comes to starting a business, business identity and brand is very important. Think about big businesses, they have identifiable logos and fonts that you automatically recognise. From where I sit there’s a Diet Coke bottle, my Kikki K...
Monthly Christmas Prep - November

Monthly Christmas Prep: November

When I mention products, I haven’t been sponsored or paid for these links. They are products that I love and would use myself. Check those international postage dates. As a rule of thumb, the further your packages are traveling from...

My Happy List #3

I saw the Happy List on You Baby Me Mummy so I’ve adopted it. (So go read her post too and show her some love!). Another week has gone by and another is about to start. Time for some reflection...

Things I’m Thankful For…

Thanksgiving is a US thing. Even when I worked for an American company we were asked what we were doing for Thanksgiving. Well, we’d be at work while they’d have the day off! (Then again a similar discussion would be...
My Happy List

My Happy List #2

I saw the Happy List on You Baby Me Mummy so I’ve adopted it. (So go read her post too and show her some love!). Another week has gone by and another is about to start. Time for some reflection...
Review: November

Monthly Review: November 2017

I stumbled across Belle’s review posts over on her blog by accident and decided to attempt to revive my own Monthly Review posts. This is November’s review. You can see others here. What went well this month Get Christmas shopping finished...

Christmas Prep: Last Post Dates

Christmas prep for me starts with little jobs in September, leading up to bigger jobs as needed through October, November and December. Part of that preparation is making sure that gifts, presents and other happy mail makes its way to...

My Happy List #1

I saw the Happy List on You Baby Me Mummy so I’ve adopted it. (So go read her post too and show her some love!). There’s been crazy going on around these parts, both locally and nationally (along with internationally)....
October Review

Monthly Review: October 2017

I stumbled across Belle’s review posts over on her blog by accident and decided to attempt to revive my own Monthly Review posts. This is October’s review. You can see others here. What went well this month Complete portfolio for job interview. I...
Monthly Christmas Prep - October

Monthly Christmas Prep: October

And now it’s time for October’s Christmas Prep post. Did you complete your September tasks? When I mention products, I haven’t been sponsored or paid for these links. They are products that I love and would use myself. Make family...
September Review

Monthly Review: September 2017

I stumbled across Belle’s review posts over on her blog by accident and decided to attempt to revive my own Monthly Review posts. This is September’s review. You can see others here. What went well this month Continue to work on...

Monthly Christmas Prep: September

When I mention products, I haven’t been sponsored or paid for these links. They are products that I love and would use myself. Growing up, my Mum would start Christmas shopping in the summer. This was so that she was...

Learning a New Skill with Bidvine

A few weeks ago, a particular newsletter that arrives in my inbox on an almost weekly basis appeared there. I flicked through it on my phone as I do most weeks and spotted that this organisation, is currently advertising a...

Monthly Review: August 2017

I’m back with a review of August. I stumbled across Belle’s review posts over on her blog by accident and decided to attempt to revive my own Monthly Review posts. This is August’s review. You can see others here. What went...

Chris’s Birthday Challenge 2017

Each year for as long as I’ve known Chris there has been a birthday challenge. There have been a number of challenges, some in one place and some covering more distance. In 2011, it was Land’s End to John O’Groats...

Monthly Review: July 2017

I’m back with a review of July. I stumbled across Belle’s review posts over on her blog by accident and decided to attempt to revive my own Monthly Review posts. This is July’s review. You can see others here. What went...

My Take on One Book July

Let’s do this! So it’s July and that means it’s One Book July time. I know I know, it’s now the end of July and I am just mentioning this. Not good right? I’ve come across this through the planner...

Slimming Sunday (July 2017)

Well, welcome to my post for Slimming Sunday. As described on MrsShilts‘ blog, it’s a “weight loss, fitness, and healthy lifestyle linky” with Emma from Life According to Mrs Shilts and Michelle from Mummy From The Heart. So where have...

Wagamama Bedford

While the boys were away, my friend posted a link to get tickets for the preview nights at Wagamama Bedford. It's always one of those restaurants that I want to visit however, I usually chicken out and go for somewhere...

Monthly Review: June 2017

A while back I used to write a monthly review on a regular basis but like a lot of my blog posts – it stopped happening. I stumbled across Belle’s review posts over on her blog by accident and decided to...

Currently… 22nd June

Another week has almost part of it’s time for another Currently post. Currently… Watching Given the heat this week and the fact the boys have been away, I’ve been working my way through White Collar while I can. I have episodes...

Mummy’s Adventure in London

I wrote the post about Jaxon taking on the Piccadilly Line and I think the confusion was that I was going with him on the second part of his adventure but actually I’m not. I had my own adventures to...
Currently - What Have I Been Upto?

Currently…12th June

We’re part way through June now and it’s time to start counting down to the Boys Crazy Adventure and then Jaxon’s Birthday on the other side of that. Our house was a crazy hive of activity and my living room...
Currently - What Have I Been Upto?

Currently… 5th June

This last week has been half term so there’s been no preschool and no church groups. There’s also been a Bank Holiday in the mix too. Here’s Currently for this week… Currently… Watching This week I watched the Grey’s Anatomy...

EllieBeth Designs Annual Day

A while back an event invite popped up on my FB notifications. Rachel (from EllieBeth Designs UK) and her team were going to be running a planner meet up in Lancashire. Okay a bit bananas but not impossible. So at...
Currently - What Have I Been Upto?

Currently…28th May

How lovely has the weather been this week. It’s been great – although I walked home one day last week and thought I was going to melt it was that hot! Currently… Watching A lot of the TV shows I...

Currently…10th May

It’s almost 1am and I can’t sleep – like I’ve been staring at the ceiling and just switch off my brain. Which is why this is coming to you on a different day to normal. Well after writing for about...

Cambs Planner Con 2017

Of course, I had the best intentions of writing or vlogging about Planner Con earlier in the week. I got the tripod out ready to record a video of some sorts and the holder bit for my phone has ended...

Cake Heals the Soul

We joke about cake making things better but cake actually did make things better. Four years ago, I left my full-time permanent job. What was I doing next? Who knows! I had no new job to go to and everything...
Thomas Tower

Today, Call Me Meanie Mummy

Today, just call me Meanie Mummy. This morning we went to the NCT Nearly New Sale organised by our local NCT group. Mum and I have been to nearly everyone since before Jaxon was born. Usually getting the next age...

This Weekend I…28th March

  This Weekend I… On Friday evening, I had the Red Nose Day coverage on while doing various bits. I really wanted to see the Love Actually sequel – it was quite frustrated that, that didn’t come on until nearly...

Slimming Sunday (Week 4) 

Well, welcome to my post for #SlimmingSunday. As described on MrsShilts‘ blog, it’s a “new weight loss, fitness, and healthy lifestyle linky with me, MrsShilts and Michelle from Mummy From The Heart. The boys are “secretly” making breakfast in bed...

Having my Hair Done

Recently my blogging skills have been a bit lacking. I’ve had ideas for posts then either written them down and not come back to them, started and not finished them or just forgotten what it was I wanted to write...

Currently…15th February

The image below and the Currently prompts from RUKristin. In this day and age, you would think that swapping internet service providers would be so straight forward and yet again it isn’t. Our internet was cut off in the middle...

Currently…23rd January

The image below and the Currently prompts from RUKristin. Currently…Watching I have still been watching Blindspot. I’m about three quarters of the way through Season One now and realised that there is a season Two. I caught up with Finding Carter so...

Little Makes – 22nd January 

I’m excited for Little Makes – this is a new linkie that I came across at the beginning of January. It’s joining with Jemma at Thimble and Twig and Fee at One of Each. Granny Stripe Blanket When I joined in...

Currently…17th January

The image below and the Currently prompts from RUKristin. Currently…Watching I have still been watching Blindspot. While we were away over the weekend, I watched season 5 of Rizzoli and Isles. Chris was out this evening so I started watching Finding...

Currently…10th January 

The image below and the Currently prompts from RUKristin. Currently…Watching I finished all the Chicago Fire episodes from NowTV. I then caught up with Grey’s Anatomy and NCIS: Los Angeles. I also tried out Quantico (watched the whole first season)...

Little Makes – 6th January 

I’m excited for Little Makes – this is a new linkie I’ve come across in the last week or so. It’s joining with Jemma at Thimble and Twig and Fee at One of Each. This week I’ve been a busy bumblebee!...

My Word for 2017: Simplify

This year my focus word is simplify. Every year, I’ve always struggled with resolutions. At school we’d often have that task in English where we had to write our resolutions and it would do often be a pointless exercise. My...

Currently – 3rd January

The image below and the Currently prompts from RUKristin. Currently…Watching Over Christmas, we restarted our NowTV account as a treat over Christmas. I figured while we had it, I’d try out some new things. First up was The Young Pope,...

Blogmas: Christmas Blog Tag

Technically I think it’s supposed to be Vlogmas but I’m doing Blogmas! But in the CRAZEE that is coming over the next few days the idea of trying to film and edit without Jaxon creating havoc just makes me a...

Blogmas: Day Eighteen

Technically I think it’s supposed to be Vlogmas but I’m doing Blogmas! But in the CRAZEE that is coming over the next few days the idea of trying to film and edit without Jaxon creating havoc just makes me a...

Blogmas: Day Ten

Technically I think it’s supposed to be Vlogmas but I’m doing Vlogmas! In the CRAZEE that is getting ready for Christmas I decided that writing might be a little easier. Hopefully I might just keep up! Here’s Blogmas! This weekend...