The Monthly Review: December

Here we go, attempting to make blog posts happen – I can do this! Rex is napping, Jaxon is playing his Switch and it’s a teacher training day today (tomorrow we restart lockdown learning due to COVID etc). So I’ve...

Books Read in 2021

These are the books that I’ve read in 2021. You can see further information and reviews over on Goodreads. The Little Christmas House by Tracy Rees (Hopley Village #2) The Psychology of Time Travel by Kate Mascarenhas Real Men Knit...


Well hello. 2021 you made it. After 2020 you’re expected to behave and not be a (majority) of a screw up (it had it’s highlights but there were a lot of low points too). So, let’s do this thing. I...

Blogmas Day 19

Well, Facebook asks me “What’s on your mind, Hannah?” It took my four attempts to write one status, the first time Facebook had a moment and deleted everything I’d written then the second and third time it didn’t make sense....
Hannah's Cozy Home Days - a series all about my adventures while socially distancing during the Coronavirus Pandemic 2020

Lockdown Projects: Macrame

Back in March, when Lockdown 1.0 was declared, I wrote a list of projects I would attempt to get done. One that was added as the list/lockdown went along was to try Macrame. It’s one of those things we’ve discussed...